Chris Bongiovanni

The CIO Playbook, part 2: Communicating roadmaps

I started this series after I came across a Gartner article discussing the role of the CIO, and how many of them struggle with communicating with the business, that gave me pause. Reflecting on my performance over the past 20 years of IT leadership, I considered the successes and failures and found four common themes that have served me well. I have a deep love of history. I have drawn many lessons in strategy, leadership, and communication from the continual…

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The CIO Playbook: Establishing methodologies

On a warm day in June 1963, President John F. Kennedy addressed a large crowd at the Assembly Hall at the Paulskirche in Frankfurt. It was the height of the Cold War and just a few months before that fateful day in November. President Kennedy spoke to the audience about the importance of the NATO alliance and perhaps more importantly, the change that had come upon the world. During this speech, he put words to the immutable law of change…

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2021: The Year of Hopeful Monsters

This too shall pass. We will get through the crisis we face with COVID-19, but what will be the consequences? We have been speaking to numerous business leaders over the past two months and the consensus is that the world will not be the same once the crisis subsides (is it ever?). The current situation will give rise to a new group of businesses – a group of Hopeful Monsters. Those who recognize that term will immediately see the connection.…

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